Anthony’s .25 talon
Last year I special ordered a .25 condor from Tony and he is sending it out this week…I can’t wait to see it…Allen
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Just because I don’t have any patients with things I can’t wait to get my hand on, doesn’t mean I don’t understand all too well.
Heck. I’m almost 8 years behind on higher end Custom Fighters I make. 8 years! But I really feel bad for my customers having to wait such a ridiculous amount I have to require. By My standards. Tony is like greased lightening!!!
I’am really excited about doing some long range shooting, my friend the Pellet Man is going to send some samples to test…this gun is a one of a kind, Tony had free reign building this rifle. Jim, owner of Precision Air here in Michigan is a 20 minute drive from my home, he and I will put this rifle to the test…I haven’t told him yet that I had Tony build me this rifle, boy oh boy will he be suprised, Allen.

Ya what they said. I spend more time with Lizzy then my wife. 😀 If you liked the pic Waite tell you open the box. And they don’t just look good Lizz has never failed to knock the crap out of any thing that she has got her eye on. 😈 😈 Enjoy and keep us posted on how it goes.

Hell that’s not long, that’s about spot on. I waited 6 months for a custom 2240. Allen sweet rig Tony set you up with. I have you cousins, sisters brother with me and you going to love that rig. 😀

One day… one very fine day…. something like that will be mine….. oh yes………. it shall be mine…
Tony: Thanks for posting the pictures, I know enough about computers to be dangerous…To all that posted about the length of time, that was not a concern to me…Tony made another masterpiece and it was worth the wait…I will find an 8th grader to help me post pics, ha ha…I will let you all know how it performs. Respectfully Submitted, Allen.

Tony, as always, outstanding… what else is there to say.
Oh yea, Allen you lucky… 😛
Being a tuner is a one-man operation. Great for getting the work done correctly and consistently from A – Z. Its always worth the wait.

Allen, You are a lucky SOB. It looks like Tony has made you another one of his fine specimens!!! 😀 Enjoy it and make sure you have a GOOD backstop. 😈

We all love a quick turn around time but some things to take into consideration is that if there is a couple or few months turn around time, that means the tuner is backlogged…. this is a good thing so long as they are steadily cranking out guns.
I’ve had guns worked on by folks who had a 2 week turn around time and then a month later, they are on a 3 month backlog.
With the case of Anthony, I would expect several months turn around. He is a well established tuner of AF guns you know when you get your gun back, it will be performing as it should.
I’m as bad as anyone for not being patient, but the fact is that the more prolific tuners out there have longer turn around times. The better craftsmen have longer times as they are very meticulous about their work. Just be glad for it.

Here you go Allen…..
When he says “last Year” he means 2007.
It did not take a year to complete the rifle.
Allen is one of the guys thats “gets it” when it comes to custom rifles.
He has always told me to take my time and get it right.
Hopefully I did.
Thank you Allen
I hope it does not take that long to get mine!!!
Last year? Thats slow in my book. I dont know what you are having done but you have more patients than I do ).

Man, You’ve got more patients than me. I would have gone nut’s by now. Not saying that Tony is too slow, I’m just impatient. Hell. I’m no Doctor. I Don’t need no stink’in patients!!!
Congrats!!! Your going to have some fun!!! Don’t forget to eat, sleep, and go to work. Lol!!!

Try saving the pict to your desktop and then putting it on a photobucket account. Then paste it here for all to see
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wow, that’s a sweet gun. tony’s doing some stuff for me. guess i’ll have to be a bit more patient (something I havent learned!). im waiting on a daystate after which i’ll be sending the TSS to tony for some love. i only hope it turns out half as nice as this .25! 🙂