
another wee project

just thought i would show u lads what i do with my spare time,
for a hobby i make stocks and this is one is for a good mate and i thought i would show u lot .this one,s for a s-type rapid
it before and after the oiling . here,s a few pics .

i,ll post a few pics off it later on tomorrow oiled up


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quote shrpshotr28:

once again, a pleasure to see your works. thanks for sharing.

no probs mate i like to share my stuff with all u lads once it,s doen i,llpost a few more pics

once again, a pleasure to see your works. thanks for sharing.

well the first coat off oil,s on and looking pretty nice me thinks


cheers lads .as i said i liie to try and keep it to a hobby and thats it but u never know 😉

Thats going to look incredible when you get the finish on it.

Your spare time might begin to be your spare job 8)
Stock looks nice!

quote pablouk:

REALLY nice mate 😀 Done any for the Gunpower range yet ??

i,ve done so many i can,t remember lol

got a stealth comeing this month to get sortd for a set off walnut grips
here,s a few i,ve done for gunpowers

REALLY nice mate 😀 Done any for the Gunpower range yet ??

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