
Another adjustable buttplate…

Hello Guys,

I got so inspired from Buba B’s excellent adjustable Butt plate that I had to design similar for myself (sorry for copy of design Buba but it just looked so great that I couldn’t resist). Buttplate has been in my todo-list from the beginning since the standard plate just … well you all know what I mean.

I tried to make shape little simpler since I have to machine it myself with manual milling machine. Also added some adjusting for shoulder shape. This may look little small but I used dimensions from my shoulder and I am not such a big dude.

All the screws are M4 hexagon socket head cap screw so it’s easier to adjust on the field with same key. Axle screws are also used for locking the big ring over bottle cover.

I hope I can start machining today. Gonna post some pictures when it’s ready (if it turns out to be showable 🙂 )

Now would be a great time to share some tips or suggestions before I start milling in the evening.


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Looks a bit like my indexfinger after it stopped the grinding wheel from my bench grinder by locking it between the grinding wheel and the support plate. I lost practically my whole nail( grew back though) I feel your pain man!



quote blodnob:

The truth about the thumb is he got it traped in Jills purse when it 😆 snaped shut on him.

ha sean it,s the same in my house i told the wife i was thinking about one off your shrouds and she gave me the look .. u know one off they one,s that could kill lol 👿

The truth about the thumb is he got it traped in Jills purse when it 😆 snaped shut on him.

u going to have some fun baz mate .. 😀

Heres a picture of the cutter that I’ll be using to trim most of the waste alluminium off. The other picture is of some alluminium plate and bar which I got from a metal suppliers from Sheffield, they cost me £5 for the lot. So now I’ve got some materials and a cutter, I’ll start trimming some bits off the outside to start forming the bottle ring. I’ll post pictures of progress as I go along. Catch you later.

baz…thats a nasty one…..ooh 😮

Fingernails aren’t armor-plated chitin? Damn!

Damn dude! Ouch, looks like my thumb after the tablesaw got a hold of it… 😯

But the skill saw to the top of my thumb was the worst. Did you know that exposed human bone looks a lot like chicken bone… 😆 Yup!

Be careful out there!


I just threw up a little in my mouth….that is gross. I called my wife in to look at it and she screamed….great stuff.

😯 LOVELY 😯 ……ment pics of the stock you make ,not that ! 😀 .Your not an engineer without scars, brings back bad memories……. 😥 .Think were hear form you when thats healed then! hehe

Thanks alot, I’ll keep you up to date with my progress. In the mean time, here’s a picture that Shaun [Blodnob] has been trying to get me to bluetooth it to his phone so he can take the mess, to get his own back from when I put the pictures of his blue ankle on the other Talon forum. Just abit of fun between mates [tough look Shaun I got there first]

Go for it Baz it s a free world !( well on TAG anyway 😀 ), anyone who dose broaching 😯 on their lathe deserves respect for their shear balls / patiance hehe 😀 , just post a pic of the end result plz. We may need to steal ideas from you !!!! 😈 lol

I’ve been following this subject with interest for quite a while. I would like to ask if anyone has any objections to me trying to make something similar to these designs? I’ve only got a laith and no milling machine, so I’ll be doing it as much as possible by removing the tool post off my laith and clamping the alluminum plate to the cross slide and probably use a rotabroach hole cutting bit in my laith chuck, and also a couple of end mills that I’ve got for other jobs. This will probably make a few of the more professional machinists on this forum cringe, especially if you were to see the state of my thumb last time I used an end mill in my laith chuck. Lets just say I’ll have to wait a while before I cut my thumb nail.

Sweet!!!!! 😯

Looks like THE way to me!

Mike, awesome stuff, so how much? (I don’t have my AF yet and I want an adjustable butt plate already)… 😆



That is great looking.

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