
All Praise Dave (Spooky)

I looked around the net alot before starting my gun , visted all kinds of forums and one chap realy impressed me was Dave (Spooky). This is part of the reson i went with the stealth type layout .Never heard of him ? well have a look this 😀


maybe the real ” Dream Stealth ” . This guy knows his stuff i think !

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I have “jumped all over” Shadow before (kinky exaggeration 😆 ) re high pressure dynamic o-rings but am also seeing them in pretty high pressure production regulators etc, so have come to accept they must work.

As suggested, tight tolerances etc will obviously extend their lifespan, as will limiting their travel.

Either way I’d really like to see one of Shadow’s super duper multicoloured valve diagrams become reality though, whether those o-rings work or not! 😀

Yeah YN is right. I have seen that happen to many times on the yellow. 🙁

Totally agree YN…


Wow… that guy makes walter and a ton of other guys look like hacks…… 😯

I love it when a guy pesters others for info, uses that info and makes something pretty neat and then acts like its all his work and not only doesnt give any credit, but refuses to help people in the same boat as he was in….

If I’m looking at that right that is a scary valve…it looks and sound like it runs through the tank so there is a smaller area for the air pressure to act on BUT imagine if the projectile were to get stuck in the barrel when the valve is opened the only exit for the air is going to press in the valve and try to press it out the back of the bottle!

Unless I looked at it wrong I see bad things that could happen with that design…maybe he makes the rear hole so the valve can’t come out the back of the tank and it is only vented????

Neat assed gun though and he is a lot smarter than me 😆


Yeah, the UK is not the easiest place to be an Innovator when it comes to anything decent such as air rifles. Spooky seems like a very knowledgeable guy and friendly to boot.

Dont think O rings are a problem ,its more to do with the design and build quality , as in tolerances and the surface the oring moves on .Ive worked for companys that build high presure test vessels and they used them every where! ( this still makes me no expert ,il leave that for others). Your ( Shadoh )origanl drawings on the other forum were quite close to Daves thou.
You wont find any more on Dave (Spooky) , ive tried , were in the UK and gun makers hide under BIG bolders here ! rather than be in the public gaze 🙁

Not really. Its just easy to put them in a drawing to solve a problem and then all the guys jump on me about it ). Im sure once I get some of my ideas into the real world it will bite me in the ass but thats part of learning. I really would like some real world numbers on how long a ring would last in some of those types of applications as Ive seen them used in many high pressure situations.

Anyway, I did a search on Dave(Spooky) to try and see if I could find some other airgun related stuff but not much came up for him.

You have A thing about Orings and high pressure moving seals dont you
Shadoh ,as ive seen from other posts lol 😀

Thanks for posting that,

I enjoyed reading it quite a bit. Walter was right there asking questions. He sure does not like answering them though. 🙂

That gun looks great.

I did notice that he is using O-rings for high pressure moving seals in his valves. Maybe its not so terrible?

LOL, I see Walter there as well. I remember asking Walter about this guy on the other forum and where I could read the info at but he wouldnt respond to me, although he did reply to other questions in that thread.

Spooky is incredible, thank you for the link. His ideas on an easy opening valve are very similar to what I was trying to do with some of my designs, except using the Airforce bottle. Its nice to see you dont have to be an engineer to think about this stuff.

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