airgunning in san francisco
hi all, just made it to the states, will stay here for a few months(am originally from holland) and got a few questions;
Been reading that airguns are either banned from san francisco, or you need a license to own one, is that true?
If not, is there an airgun shop here where i can get my hands on a condor or another airgun?
thanks in advance guys!
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hi all, well, unfortunately it wasn’t really possible to move my little yosemite tour to another date, so i can’t show up at the 8th. bummer!!! the next ‘get together’ of the Nocasa is somewhere in march, but by that time i’ll be back in holland… so if there’s anybody in san francisco/oakland who goes on a hunt or shoot before this time, and is willing to take me with him/her…….. i would be more then happy ! 😀
hi photo22, send you a pm, regarding the 8th. 🙂

Is it ok to bring my girlfiend jessica as well? She never shot an airgun before, and i would love to introduce my hobby to her 🙂 Plus, what are the costs of participating in such an event over here?
Oh yeah, you should bring her. We will have lots of guns for you guys to shoot. 😀

We are honored my Friend…

Hi vincent you are lucky, overhere cold, wind and rain.
Greetings from the dutch guys.
hmm, that’s interesting information. Well, i think that it’s best to just show up at the funshoot (providing we can move the yosemite trip to another date) and go from there. would love to shoot whenever i can by owning one here, but don’t want t piss anybody off either, especially the authorities 8) but will definately try to buy the upgraded condor valve, since i got one back home with the old one in it…
Is it ok to bring my girlfiend jessica as well? She never shot an airgun before, and i would love to introduce my hobby to her 🙂 Plus, what are the costs of participating in such an event over here?

Will have a chat with jessica (my american girlfriend) about this. We already have plans on the 8th. of december, to go to yosemity park, but we might be able to move this to another date.. will definately keep you posted about this! thanks a lot!
So i can own an airgun legally over here in SF, without having a license for it? In holland it’s perfectly legal to own both small and bigbore airguns:)
Yellow Ninja has it listed out for you very good. You can own and airgun in SF, you just can’t shoot it in the city and no store will sell them in SF. The town that I live in has stores that sell airguns (cheap one’s) but you can’t shoot them in the city and most cities are like this in Cali. me and my kids do shoot in my backyard, my airguns are not loud and my neighbors are cool with it. I also can shoot up to 20 yards in my house by using my garage as part of my range in the Winter. All gun laws are very liberal in Cali. but you can work around that and still be legal. Come to the fun shoot and we will set you up with some good Infomation on where/what you can do in California so your airgun experience while here can be a good one.
Just remember that stock Condor’s are pretty loud for most towns in the USA.

Will have a chat with jessica (my american girlfriend) about this. We already have plans on the 8th. of december, to go to yosemity park, but we might be able to move this to another date.. will definately keep you posted about this! thanks a lot!
So i can own an airgun legally over here in SF, without having a license for it? In holland it’s perfectly legal to own both small and bigbore airguns:)
I bet Yosemite will be closed due to weather. Check it out before you go.
Akula, I think Photo answered the question in a round about way….
But here goes with my version to clear this up as I saw an American even suggest that big cities such as Boston and San Francsico require a permit of somekind…..
Anywhere in the US its legal to have an airgun without any kind of permit, even in localities where they are “banned”, that just means no use or sale, does not refer to ownership.
The legal issue’s are –
1 – Are they allowed to be sold locally
2 – Will an online retailer ship there
3 – Can you use it (ie – plinking in the yard)
4 – Can you hunt with it (on legal hunting grounds)
So even if San Fran didnt allow any of the above.. you can still have one. Therefore buying one in a private sale such as a club or the classifieds would still be an option. Or you could drive outside San Fran and buy it and drive back with it (in a gun case and unloaded in your trunk just to avoid any problems).
Mac 1 is in Los Angeles… I’m not from the area so I cant help with that…
Pyramid Air dont have CA or San Francisco listed on their restricted page so you could probably buy one from them too.
I did find on an article written by Robert Beeman that San Francsico banned any sale or display of Airguns.
well photo22, that’s an awesome offer you make me!! 😯 😀 actually an offer i can’t refuse 8)
Will have a chat with jessica (my american girlfriend) about this. We already have plans on the 8th. of december, to go to yosemity park, but we might be able to move this to another date.. will definately keep you posted about this! thanks a lot!
So i can own an airgun legally over here in SF, without having a license for it? In holland it’s perfectly legal to own both small and bigbore airguns:)
Vince; You need your question answered. Does anyone know what that current laws, regarding airguns in San Fran contain? This may affect our new member in America’s most liberal city.
If I’ve offended anyone in New York, California, Mass, Vermont, Oregon, eastern Montana or eastern Wyoming by stating that San Fran is America’s most liberal city I offer my profound appologies.
You need to work harder at being total idiots if you wish the title. AKU

I did tell him….and he had a weird look on his face, but he said “cool your in the Talon group” 😀

So you shoot with BMUS? Tell him Adam said “Hey” and watch him start twitching, and mumbling…must find my happy place, must find my happy place…LOL
He dont like me so much….LOL

Hi vincent, If your not doing much on Dec 8 my club is hosting a AirGun fun shoot. Come on over and try out some nice airguns. If you buy a Airgun in the USA it maybe better to order one. One of my club members was thinking about selling his Talon.
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Have you checked the weather? It does not look good