
Airforce Hill Pump (Blue in color) won’t pump???

Anyone ever rebuilt one of these?? Mine pumps but loses pressure quickly and will not build pressure when pumped. 😕

Thanks Randy

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The very top right by the pump handle.

Yep-that’s an FX pump. Where’s it leaking? Not sure?–then dunk it in the bathtub/sink to find the leak. 8)

Thanks guys I will call AF.

That is an FX pump.
Call our beloved AF and see what they can do.
It needs a rebuild kit.

If no luck call AOA

Randy, That looks like a FX pump and definitely not a Hill. You can talk to D&L and see if their Hill pump rebuild parts will fit or not. Good luck.

Thats not a Hill. You are gonna have a real hard time finding parts for anything other than a Hill (. At least from what Ive seen everyone post about the other pump brands.

Thanks here are pictures of the pump. I changed out the gauge as it did not come with one. I My goal is to have a 2 tanks, ammo, pump, and my Condor fitted into a snowboard bag so I can setup it up out of sight in the woods away from tree huggers. It looks like an early Airforce pump just don’t know whether it is an FX, Hill, or something else???

Thanks again Randy

Here is the AOA page with BSA Pump info (Rebranded Hill…..)


AF went to hill pumps?

I thought they were FX and then Air Venturi….. Hill in my opinion is the best and has the best service, never seen any other documentation on the other pumps or readily available rebuild kits.

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