
AirForce AirGuns Suck!

Well at least thats what my girlfriend and bank account say 😉
Im in love with this black beauty I just wanted to get your attention.

First off I want to thank all of you who started this forum.
Im 26, I live in Pennsylvania and I just got back into airgunning last year. I lurked on the TOG but I never registered because if i cant make momma jokes, use the F word and talk about beer, hookers, and weed..I just cant be myself 😈

I found this place and was happy to see an active community of cool, like minded people sharing info…
without all the drama and horse shit of other sites.

I got my .22 Talon SS in october for rat control. My girl has 2 bird feeders, and before we knew it bigass rats had moved from the creek down the hill to under my shed. These bastards had a serious attitude problem too. They would actually chase her around the yard in circles if she went outside around dusk. It was pretty funny to watch her running from rats in high heels. Anyway ive thinned the shit-rat population by about 30-40 thanks to the talon since then, and a bunch of other night critters too.
My powder burners are getting jealous.

Heres one for the road :

.22 eunjin to the face…heineken is for scale and refreshment

Im glad to be a part of this kick ass forum
Rock on TAF

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Looks t me like your having intirely too much fun!!! Now get your self a better beer! Mike Lol!!!

Snake…….. welcome aboard! Excellent post.


Man, my wife would have a shit fit if she saw a rat that size.

Snake; Great idea baiting rats with beer. I think I’ll try it! Welcome. AKULA

Did that rat drink that whole bottle of beer 🙂

Nice shooting

Your title cuaght my attention. I was hoping to find some credible shortcommings with the AF guns. Which AF gun do you own? Welcome to the forum; these guys have built a great place for us to meet and share.

That is a huge rat. I have heard stories of them getting that large, but haven’t actually seen one. I am a little envious. I’d love to have rats that large to pop. When they get weary, (think educated), start putting peanut butter out at a measured distance, and continue cleansing the world. They can’t resist peanut butter and they cannot carry it away.

Keep traeck of them numbers wise. Maybe you will be like Cygnus X, only with rats…200 and counting! (check out his post “Squirrels, lots of them”, under the heading of hunting, if you haven’t already).

Crike! That’s a big rat!

THAT is a big ass rat.
Nice shot Snake.

Hang out, be cool and have fun.

We are happy to have you.

Welcome to the Brotherhood.

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