Adjusting Butt plate
Some thing shiney to look at …….and not yet finished.This is on a 400cc bottle but i dont see why it wouldnt work on the AF bottle.
Last 2 pics show the adjustment ,enough to get a cold cheek !
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Hey Buba.
You get this for your hard work…

Well the butt plate alone took 9 hours of hacking at it with the mill ,should of done a drawing for it and it would of been quicker , but was very much done on the fly 🙂 and im still not finished damit . A 10mm bull nose tip can work wonders until i take my mill apart and convert it to CNC, just need to finish my gun and get some lead screws and of course the time , and then the world is mine hehe 😀 😀 🙂 😈

The quality and finishing of that piece is just incredible. You had to give it some looong hours I suppose? I wish I’d have even remotely same patience and dedication (and skills) than you.
I did mine in one evening (3 hours) and did many shortcuts. Didn’t have rotary tables so I had to do all rounds and chamfers manually with belt grinder. And we all know how that ends up looking 🙄
Send the parts for anodization and I hope it looks little better when dressed in black . If not I don’t dare to show it in the same forum than yours 😆

Its a good investment , even more so if you get the dividing plates with it .You can spend days trying to understand 1:40 movement…..im still at it lol
Hi all im here for good ….hehe latest one to question the arm of God !
Glad to have you and feel right at home…we love stinky men who smell of swarf and oil 😆

Yep get a rotary table and lose hours of your life , smell of burnt metal swarf and coolant ,get the girlfriend on your case and learn the fustrations of rotating the table to angles ……….hmmm or just pay some idiot to do it lol
Its a good investment , even more so if you get the dividing plates with it .You can spend days trying to understand 1:40 movement…..im still at it lol
Hi all im here for good ….hehe latest one to question the arm of God !

I keep staring at your butt….. 😯
And it is great.
I fear a rotary table is in my future. The right tools for the right job and all that. 😆
Gonna make this a sticky for awhile….great job

That is just some incredible work…
Way to go…
Beautiful, that finished it up nicely.
That is just plain Bad Ass. You got some serious talent and a vivid imagination.
the second one is the best mate welldone 😀

Bub b,
That even looks better. I think when all is said and done it will be a great looking rig….

I have to say even thou it wasnt finished i thought the butt was dam ugly and to heavy so here it is looking slimer and lighter 😀
It works better i think ! but think it could be done better…….hmmmm ! 🙄 Was going to do a FT style butt with adjustable ends but next time.
Apart for some from some more polishing to finish im gona stick with it for the mo as i need to get on with the valve and my mill is taken up with a job for Rabbits……….just a little job 😯
So , do you like the before 👿 or arfter version 😈 …….let the debate rage …hehe L8r all

Freakin NICE…. you *could* sell those. Unlike some here who have made an AWESOME buttplate solution for our guns and is unwilling to make more to sell…. 👿 😆 😆
No kidding, thats easily in the top two of the best buttplate design I’ve seen. Makes the rest of us hobbling up Morgan buttpads to our guns look bad! Great work.

GODDAMN! 😯 Be-u-t-full!
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Hmmmm pupies dancing cool , hehe
The one on the left is bigger thou………..its just the engineer in me damit ! lol 😀