
Ab-Shooter? Exersize while you shoot?

A friend of mine moved a while back and was going to toss out some things he didn’t want anymore, so he gave me first pick before the garbage man got it.
This AB-DOer II exercise thing was disassembled and in a box and so I picked it out thinking maybe my wife might like it. Well, once it was assembled and tested out, it was determined that it wasn’t anything either of us liked at all. I almost got rid of it at the local Goodwill store, but I forgot to load it with the other stuff I took. Anyhow, it languished in my garage for months until I got my air rifle and I had an idea how I could use it.
Now that the weather has warmed up here in Minnesota, I finally had a chance to put it to the test and boy am I glad I kept it!!!
It is working pretty well as a shooting platform from my balcony window. I need to do some other work on it, like making it able to go higher for shooting into the top of that tree you see in the backyard and it should then prove to be rather useful.

The Ab-DOerII. In the exercise mode, you are supposed to put your hands on the C shaped handle and twist and rock around for exercise. Doesn’t work too well for that…not enough resistance to be much use.

The setup as it looks now. Need to mod it a bit to make it better.

This is how the gun is rested on the padded roller. Of course, I would be sitting on the seat for this! LOL!

The results, target was moved out to 30 yards for these. I am sure that with a PCP gun I would do much better. But I am sure that a lot of practice will help too! (from left to right, 6 shots, 5 shots (1 miss), 5 shots.)

The “Range”. The target is just to the left of the base of the tree and is at 20 yards here. Just past the bench a bit it is 30 yards. One acre of land and I need to make some nice targets to shoot at! (with safety backstops for each of course..) I won’t always be shooting from here of course. The wife won’t let me keep this thing in the dining room!!! (Women… sheesh!!!…)

The post has a spring under the pad and is quite flexible.

The label on the seat. I’ll have to change that to Ab-Shooter!! LOL!

I am shooting a Gamo Big Cat springer from it and it seems that the combination of the round pad which is free wheeling and the post which has a spring under the pad lets the gun move like it should when you lay the gun on the heel of your palm in what Tom Gaylord calls the Military Hold to let the gun move naturally for more accuracy.
I can’t argue with the results I get from using this thing! Before, I had a hard time being consistent with it at over 10 yards distance.
Now I am hitting the bottom ends of soda cans consistently from 30 yards!
I know I can improve on my groupings with practice, but it is hitting pretty good for me now, so I am much happier with how I am shooting. Eventually I want to get a PCP, but need to save up for that. Not sure I will get an AF gun, I sort of like more traditional looking guns like a Career Infinity or such as I like the idea of a multi-shot gun, but who knows, maybe that will change too. I am very interested to see how the Crosman Discovery develops too. Maybe a multi-shot version or mod will appear!

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How would you compare the career to a stock condor?

Careers are great guns and probably one of the best deals out there. Dont forget to look at the Sumatra also.

Just remember the Career Airguns sound just like a firearm when shot. So if you can stand the noise of a cannon in your back yard go for it.

My career sits in a case for the most part due to the noise it makes. 🙁

quote BUTCHER45:

…”the HillPump workout”!…

Plus the calories you burn from changing targets @ 100yds! :mrgreen:

I exercise when out shooting my bigbore in the field.

It’s called “the HillPump workout”! LOL!

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