

Ok. I found this while looking around on gunbroker. This has to be one of the funnier things I’ve ever seen.

Before you look at it, I’ll give you some of the description and you can try and guess the price and type of weapon it is.

Ok, it’s a non lethal, fully automatic weapon.

It runs on HPA.

Fires 150 rounds per second (maybe a misprint, probably minutes)

Fires 6mm rounds.

Deters oncoming intruders.

It can be used to repel larger wild animals such as racoons, bears, large cats (bobcats and mountain lions), coyotes, and others.

Ranchers and farmers can use this for herding cattle, sheep, and horses.

Ok, now guess a price and a general layout of the weapon.

Check this out:


You get it? It’s a freaking airsoft gun, that they are selling as a home defense weapon!!!!! How funny is that. And, to top it off, it’s 1500 bucks!

Funniest thing I’ve seen relabeled and sold for something else in a while.


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This is not a machine gun actually
This is Tokyo Marui Project 90 Triple Rail(TR) Automatic Electric Gun with SOCOM silencer…
P90 was originally designed for NATO forces as rear-area units and vehicle crew weapon to replace battle rifles and assault rifles. Natural choice for design was bullpup configuration to make the weapon short and compact. New 5.7mm caseless round was designed to allow more power and magazine capacity 🙂
Love it 8)

Something similar:


No idea what he’s saying but a pretty cool airsoft machine gun.


quote synopsys:

Have you ever fired one of these things?

It is no joke!!!

Airsoft Extreme is across the street from my office…

The one you linked Lama is nothing compared to the battery driven modded versions that use the same bodies as the actual assault weapons themselves…

It will destroy solid plastic bb’s at 15+ yards on a metal backstop at a high rate of speed, modded they are very dangerous and can produce velocities over 800fps, although there is a limit for ‘matches’.

I have a plastic single shot pistol that is deadly accurate to 15yards, it cost $15 and will hold 30 rounds, great for dog and cat training (of course you don’t hit the animal, just a warning shot into an object nearby) and yes I fired it point blank into my palm to test the pain factor, it hurt, very small welt but not super harmful, the pistol not the rifles…

The rifles will knock teeth out easy…
Can’t imagine what it would do to an eye or exposed skin at close range…

IF and its a big IF your attacker is unarmed this would work great, but if they have a weapon and a jacket you’d be in for some serious pain after your clip ran out…

Best defense against a possible gun toting assailant is another firearm…

I remember you telling me about that Jim. Yah…sounds like a great Dog and Cat training tool 😉

Have you ever fired one of these things?

It is no joke!!!

Airsoft Extreme is across the street from my office…

The one you linked Lama is nothing compared to the battery driven modded versions that use the same bodies as the actual assault weapons themselves…

It will destroy solid plastic bb’s at 15+ yards on a metal backstop at a high rate of speed, modded they are very dangerous and can produce velocities over 800fps, although there is a limit for ‘matches’.

I have a plastic single shot pistol that is deadly accurate to 15yards, it cost $15 and will hold 30 rounds, great for dog and cat training (of course you don’t hit the animal, just a warning shot into an object nearby) and yes I fired it point blank into my palm to test the pain factor, it hurt, very small welt but not super harmful, the pistol not the rifles…

The rifles will knock teeth out easy…
Can’t imagine what it would do to an eye or exposed skin at close range…

IF and its a big IF your attacker is unarmed this would work great, but if they have a weapon and a jacket you’d be in for some serious pain after your clip ran out…

Best defense against a possible gun toting assailant is another firearm…

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I agree 100% with you: anything that can break the window of a car, even if not powerful in the overall scheme of things, is really not something that you want to be shot with if you can help it.

Hey tron,,,ever been on a dove hunt and some dumb-ass shoot when they call low bird……. if your neighbor has a dog you don’t like try 40-50 yard shot with #8’s or 9’s that will give you a good idea…. if that gun can break auto glass it definately has enough power to inflict bodily harm…

That would make a better PCP pellet gun the an airsoft and probably sell alot more then they do now. Looks pretty cool.

What is a “burning” from a shotgun?

I can tell you this much….I built a single shot on a crosman 2260 platform that was thumping those little roundballs at 950 fps .1 shot had a grown 200 lb man jumping around the yard holding his left butt cheek for several minutes (( 30 yard shot too) paybacks are hell)…For average game play a sniper style weapon is only allowed to have around 500 fps of velocity….If it is anywhere above 500 fps the effect would be comparable or worse than a good burning from a shotgun…… Which will bring several to there knees..

Ha. Still funny. I wouldn’t shoot with it. If you just point it at em it’s pretty scary looking, and they might leave you alone.

Just hope they aren’t packing, or that little gun of yours that kind of stings isn’t going to do much against a glock. 😛

The deterance of intruders and dangerous game is serious business. We need a serious target to test this quasi-weapon. I elect Lama. All in favor? Say “Ready, Aim, Fire!!!” AKULA

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