

This is my new toy. Don’t want to brag or anything. Just wanna say it’s the best springer I have ever shot. Least hold sensitive and super accurate. Worth every penny for sure. By the way this one has a left-hand stock.
Such a pleasure to shoot. It propels .177 cal 10.6 Kodiak at 840 fps which translates into 16.5 fpe. Pretty darn good. At 25 yards I get one hole to 1/4″ groups. At 50, you can cover that group with a quarter. At 65 yards, which would be my limit, it groups 1.5″ Close to PCP kind of accuracy. I put a Leupold, spring gun rated scope on it. They make two models just for that purpose. And you know how difficult it is to find a good quality spring rated scope. At least this one has a lifetime warranty.
I played with so many different pellets and found that Kodiak is the most accurate. Next to this is Beeman FTS and then JSB Predator.

This is 3 shots with Kodiak @ 50 yards.

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just measured the velocity at 50 yards with .177 kodiak: 640 fps which translates into 9.5 fpe, more than enough for small game and pests.

Dude… something just looks evil about this one, I can’t place it, but it’s got a mean aura around it. Very nice.

Photo, it’s stock. no need to tune anything.

Rob, I love thumbhole stocks. that one is sweet. Gotta love the accuracy.

Vlady, now thats a sweet shooting springer 😀 . Is it tuned? or stock.

Nice!! Love the walnut stock… 😯

I have a couple of the TX200HC’s… one in .177 and one in .22. Both with a little work done… 😉 Awesome guns capable of amazing accuracy.

This is 25 yards groups with JSB Predator on the left (3 shots), and Kodiak on the right (5 shots). Much smaller than a dime.

Yes, it’s walnut. The scope is $350, you can purchase it from straightshooters or AoA. I know it’s expensive but…hell we live only once, damn, this is wrong 🙂
I had so many springers, Powerlines, RWS-s, Beemans, etc. Those combined are nothing compare to just this one. Accurate, not sensitive to how do you hold it, powerfull, pretty silent compare to other springers, bull barrel with a thread in it for additional “equipment” (trust me, no need for those), heavy, but it’s good, it helps reduce already low sensitivity, no vibration at all, super smooth, light trigger (2 lbs). The list is endless. Extremely nice wood work.

If I got a springer it would be that one or the HW97. Very cool.

Did the scope cost more then the gun?

Nice looking gun Vlady! that is very encouraging to hear the accuracy your getting also. I am looking again at a springer/gas ram and am reading all I can find on them.

What made you decide to get this one?

What others have you tried and liked/disliked?

Thanks, Jim.

P.S. like the gopher target 😈 nice shooting!

Nice gun and some great glass to top it off there !! That a walnut stock?

Those TX’s are real nice.

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