9mm talonish
so i stared this a few days before xmas , i was working on a mini and had to toss it aside for a bit ,
i thought i was funny that mm1234 was building a similar gun at the same time . they are completly different but will end up looking the same ( kinda )
for now it has a trigger like a crosman 140 .( gross ) but works . i am still drawing up plans for a good one . i saw one some where on some site , lol
so this is it . needs grips and sights and im making a bipod/ frount grip .
i hope to finish i this week ad get some #s
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Intresting read on the making of barrels ,how accurate are they ? .Think il stick to buying them as i dont have a 1 tone crane in the corner of my shed hehe ,nice job thou 😀
thanks . the buttons have been heated some of the are old ones , still good , they are made from drill rod , which is heated almost to the point of melting , then dip in cold water( once it i made ) , then poslish the metel , and heat again til it gets a slight blue and dip .
you can just dip once for these since they must be real hard .
to pul it through i use a over head cran , only 1ton , ive tried it wit comealongs , or small chain falls . but for 9mm and bigger it takes a hard pull . and can break lots of stuff if not oild well , the rod i use to pull through is 1/4” for 9mm , which can break , the other buttons i thread a insert and use close to match size rod .
to hold the barrels i justweld a horseshoe shape on the end , then put the button in that end , then the threaded rod from the other , hook a chain to each end ( threaded rod ad horse shoe) and pull . make shure there is a small revese twist in the chain to alow a bit more twist . that should do it ,

Cool setup!! I’ve never seen that before! Looks like the steel has been heated. Did you harden the buttons? How do you develop 500 pounds to pull the button through?
It is so cool to see and share the talents and skills of all people here!!
This site and its people are amazing!!
Good work Jezx!! Thanks for shareing!
this is my basic way of doing buttons , some in the picture are to long on the twist part . it should only be about 3/8”-1/2” or if longer they will jam a bit easier .one end is threaded inernal and you pul it through , instent rifling . alos in the picture is my cheepy dro ,
the small mil is a combo with a selfcentering vise , use a dial indicater and center the rod in the vise 360deg . put a blok under one end of the vise before hand , so its off 7-10 degrees ( higher angle higher twist rate ) . the have a small end mill and down feed on the side with angle crosways . rotate the vise x degrees and down feed again .
the other machine has a very simple setup , big vise holding a indexing rig with a small woodruf cuter . cut turn and repeat . there are a few buttons in front , 9mm’s , .475 ,.25
most buttons i have done are only .005 -.009 bigger then the hole . and usually spaced almost equal land and groove , i don’t beleive it matters at all to do so.
i looked for the site but can’t fnd it , my computer died a few months ago and lots with it . can’t remember my pass.
iam making some buttons tommorow so ill take a few picture ,also my digital cheepy .
this gun was made mostly on a bridgeport mill , but some work was done on the combo , i think i built about 20-30 guns on my little combo mill/lathe before i got bigger stuff.
Jez that is amazing…and you made it on a machine like I’ve got coming woot! Your gun is coming along really nice. An integrated bipod too that is really slick. Are you going to try and shroud that monster?
Oh I’d love a link to how you make rifling buttons!
, blackop . if you wanted some pic’s on how to do buttons i can give you a link to an old site i made , i just have to find it .i accualy use to make them on the same machine you have .
this is a bit more finished , i found a bit heavier spring , still not enough but better , at 1400psi its only opening 50% at best .(of what it should)
i decided to do some sights , very simple since i use scope mostly . stil more to do with them but they hit pretty true.
the front handle locks out to make a bipod . and locks up to when done ,it a very simple design . and i think once i do the whole gun in black it will lok good.
off 900psi ,( which seems to be best presure for the crapy spring i have )
im sooting 77gr pellets about 500f/s . the bottle i have i’ll only put 2000psi in , but that should be lots once i get a better spring .
Very cool Jez thanks for the info on the barrel making. How do you make the button? does it turn itself as you draw it through? does it cut/make the barrel in one pass? how do you pull it through with a winch? how is the accuracy of the barrels you’ve made?
Sorry for the barrage of questions but this is VERY interesting info!
its pretty easy to do if you ca find the right size tubing , most of mine are made from tubing insted drilled and reamed . then you need to make a button wich is pulled through and leaves near perfect spiral . theangle of the slots down the side of the button determin the twist . the button may take anyware from 500+ to pull , i have broke 1/4” rod easy with some pulls.
drilling and reaming is a lengthy process only 22 and .25 ive done this way , ive done some .22, .25 ,9mm and .475 and.50 . all with good results from tubing, the .25 is the hardest for some reason.
i posted a bunch of stuff on the canadian ag site a few years ago on it , at the time i had made the buttons on a combo chinese lathe mill drill with a rotary table and a angle block so it can’t be to hard .
as for the 9mm gun, i got t working well , but i have fears that my spring is far to week and my hammer to light . the only spring rod i had was 1/16” pretty light for a 3/4” od spring . i shouldhave it done tomorow ,except the spring but im not wasting pellets chroning a 200f/s gun.
No joke!!!! 😯 that is frigging WAY cool! I read some articles on the web about making your own barrels a while ago but I never really thought about trying it! From what I read you can make match grade barrels pretty easily, almost from stuff around the house 😆 well easily obtainable items anyway…
How do you make them?
Frigging cool!

You make your own barrel, with rifeling?? Wow! Thats cool!
the barrel is a 9mm i made . have been making barrels for a while , just buttoned rifleing . but it works well .
have almost got it shooting , i needed to redo my trigger assembly . and make a spring then it’s ready . soon i hope .
That is pretty danged cool! Have you shot it yet?
What barrel are you using?
i didn’t realize my pictures sucked so bad . sorry . 2mag pic cameras are crap.
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barrel making is not for every one , even me , i will buy a barrel over making one anyday , but buyin 9mm ones seem to bepretty hard also .25 with a good fit , i will never make another .22 in my life , the $20 crosman ones work fine .
most barrels i have made work well , i have made a bunch that went to scrap the first 5 .25 cal were garbage . also many 9mm . some of my best 9mm do a ratty hole at 30yd . about a 1” spred at 20yd for my worst , , i onlyever shoot about 40-150feet , so who know what happens at 100yds . the .475 is prety good at 100feet , 100yd would be bad . its a 230gr slug going 700fps i fugure . it would hit on center but about 2′ low .lol . i don’t think id win any competitons with my barrels , but if i did id be proud … and lucky . i do feel a bit bad when i here of people doing 1/2” at 50yds , only a few of mine get that good at half the distance , i do have guns i have made with other peoples barrels that i can compete with at 1/2” 50yd , so don’t feel sad for me.lol