
840 fps Drozd

O.K., I know most of you guys don’t like BB guns, but I’ve got my Drozd shooting 840 fps with a 1000psi regulator on my HPA tank. 30 rounds in 1.5 seconds in the area the size of a quarter will do some SERIOUS damage! 😈

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Huns, whats that? 🙂

I used to think who needs a high capacity magazine? Then the L.A. riots of 1992 happened and I realized that every good, red blooded, honest american needs plenty of them. And a few more that are compatable with our national guard and law enforcement just in case we have to support them in the clinches.

quote Nuglor:

My Bushmaster M4 with an ACOG set up for home defense.

You expecting the huns? lol

I believe that so many kids are injured or killed with guns reflects their lack of training. The couriosity factor goes through the roof for kids who see guns on tv and in the movies but don’t get the opportunity to learn about them first hand. That’s why the first thing I did with my kids was show them the devasting effects of even such a small bullet as the .22 lr. I shot a grapefruit, a bar of soap, and an apple, (which exploded!) Exposure to guns ofall descriptions removes couriosity and instills respect. It is also a great motivator. If want to shooting, finish your homework. Also, I tell them that if you do stupid things and get busted for doing them, you will not be permitted by law to buy firearms. So stay away from the morons and idiots.

On ammunition…Here in Los Angeles we had our infamous North Hollywood shootout. Many people were shot by the bad guys with 7.62x39mm FMJ ammunition, (the AK-47 round). Nobody was killed with that round, (that day.) While many regard the 55 grain .223 round with contempt, it did stop that shootout. A gutsy group of LAPD SWAT officers drove right up to that guy, who was using a pick-up truck for cover, and a cop shot the bad guy in the theigh severing his femoral artery. As I recall it was a shoot-him-from-under-the-truck shot.

I’m only sending him a limited amount of ammo so when he runs out, he’ll have to buy his own or finally send it to me. 😀

“Sorry Nuglor, it’s still not done right. Give me another few weeks to err, test her out…”

Yep, that was me… and I’m sending it to Tony to put it in a Talon for me and do the whole setup. I’m sure he’s going to have LOTS of fun trying to get it tuned and set up properly. 😆

Nuglar, did I notice you just bought a 9mm setup for your gun???? I hope that was you!


Hey Randyhub… Since you’re showing toys off, I thought I’d show you what I got down here in Texas. My Bushmaster M4 with an ACOG set up for home defense. I have an EoTech I’m thinking about adding, but I haven’t figured out how I want to mount it yet.

Oh yeah, also have a couple of Polytech Legends. One is NIB.

Yeah but I can buy a new mag bolt and upper for my CAR-15 in 7.62X39 to use the AK round, I don’t get it??? Remember I also have a Russian SKS converted to mags which uses a AK round. Oh for the record the .223 used is very effective so much so the Russians upgraded the AK (AK-74) to fire a 5.45 round very close to the US round. The AK is WAY better when punching thru wood and brick but the .223 will hit what you want and the new SS109 round has a mild steel penetrator which really makes a difference. The US SAW Squad Automatic Weapon used is nasty!!! My buddy was gunner and used it on pig carcasses in a trench clearing training and he said between grenades and the 200 round combat pack of .223 it was VERY disturbing!!!! 👿


Well, there’s a differance between a .223 and an AK47. You get hit in the shoulder with a .223, it’s gonna do some damage, but probably not kill you. You get hit with an AK47 in the shoulder, and it may well blow your arm clean off.

Draconian laws yes but at least it has struck a balance where mandatory firearms training, screening, and storage has keep us from going the way of england, new Zealand, Australia, and so many others. I am torn on gun control honest but I just can’t understand why some many kids die every year from accidental shootings.

Biggest difference with gun ownership here is it is a priviledge not a right so I play ball with the Feds.

But your comment about the laws up here, get this I couldn’t have an AK-47 but I could have a 11.5″ CAR-15 in .223??


Randy; I’m not a fan of pistols. I figure in my line of business if I have to use a pistol, I’ve really screwed up. I carried a pistol for a year in Iraq during every waking hour. The pistol resided next to my pillow while I tried to sleep. I wasn’t a fan but it was necessary. In my normal miltary duties, a side arm is not necessary. I get no kick out of side arms as I did when I was a kid.

In my flying duties I was issued a side arm to off myself if I saw necessary. This only when flying over enemy territory. I rather doubt I could fight my way out of of hostile territory with five bullets (issue). It was a choice we were given to make. Just part of my military. Then again, what were the other four bullets for.

I’ve no problem with long incarcerations for the misuse of weapons.

Canada has had draconian laws regarding firearms for some years now.


Well being a Canadian I do know that gun control is a reality now. We are about to propose a new law tacking on 5 years to ANY sentence concerning a criminal act with a firearm, such as being in a shootout anywhere with a unregistred pistol.

But even though we have strict laws I can still have these if I comply with the laws which I am prepared to do. Compromise is something one needs to do in order to retain certain rights. I live in Alberta which is pretty respectful when it comes to gunlaws. But do something stupid and you will have an army of TAC guys at your house with a heli and tank.

The time for screwing around with idiots with guns is over now in our city. 😯

Store your guns safely, be discreet, have your paperwork in order, and the Feds will leave you alone.

PS not trying to show off here just wanted to show not all Canadians have been de-toothed. 🙂

And yes I have them all licensed!


Randy; Pass on the respect for weaponry to the next generation. America currently has a problems with deadly weapons in the wrong hands. We’re a free nation but things have gotten way out of hand. We need train our children what the up side and down sides that weapons encompass.

If things don’t change we’ll lose our right to bear arms. AKULA

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