
.25 polygon profile vs choked???

Which is better? I keep hearing how good polygon profile barrels are for .25?????

Thanks Randy

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Any #’s on the fps increase on the poly? This is a total WAG but I thought Lasse said he got 15-20 fps on a 24″ barrel…does this sound right?

Anthony, didn’t you do some stuff with the poly barrels a while ago?


quote shadoh:

How well do the pellet skirts seal on the polly barrels? I understand the less resistance part but does it lose power due to no skirt seal?

I’ve seen the skirt of pellets after they come out of a poly barrel and they have a perfect poly shape on the head and skirt. The blowby issue doesnt seem to be a factor as they have higher velocities than the regular barrels and judging by the skirt on the pellet I saw it had 100% contact.

quote shadoh:

Also, I guess the skirt would be polly shaped when its flying through the air. This wouldnt be an issue unless one side didnt get fully formed

Indentations on pellet having to be even is true of all barrels. A badly rifled barrel is a badly rifled barrel and will have poor accuracy regardless of the type.

I did hear it was easier to rifle a poly profile (BB pelletier Blog), so the chances of a bad barrel should be less.

How well do the pellet skirts seal on the polly barrels? I understand the less resistance part but does it lose power due to no skirt seal? Also, I guess the skirt would be polly shaped when its flying through the air. This wouldnt be an issue unless one side didnt get fully formed.

Thanks as always YN for your comments. An increase in velocity for .25 is something I don’t want but would a more effecient barrel with less air use for the same velocity equate to a higher shot count??

Questions, questions, on a side note I am sending my tank back for a new Condor valve and once I get the velocities down to 950 fps and .25 barrel upgrade I will see what I can do with the Talon tank and valve before buying a second new Condor valve. I want to have two tanks/valves dialed into the same velocity so I can go into the bush with my Condor. I hope to adapt a Snowboard backpack to hold my Condor, 2 tanks, and a PCP pump.


I dont think you can go wrong with either of the LW barrels.

The lack of a choke on the polygon barrels doesnt degrade their proformance and I think they offer them in choked versions too. So you can have polygon AND choked if you want.

Polygon barrels are supposed to have less friction on the pellet bcause opf the profile of the lands and that gives slightly faster velocities.

Even an unchoked polygon is very accurate though…

I had a choked regular profile barrel and had no problems with it.

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