
12" and 24" .22 TalonSS stock vs. light Valve Spri

Bunch more shooting today and Chrony charts…upped the power to show some shot strings and velocity drops as well as comparing max power with 24″ vs. 12″ .22 barrels. Also tested stock valve vs. stock valve with light 2-3lbs to open valve spring…light makes a little more power and A LOT more noise in the tank(my ears rang lightly!!!!)

LOVED the last long chrony string some great consistancy on the last 80 some shots. Also REALLY liked smoking pellets out at 950 to just over 1,000 fps they really smack!

Slow pellets and were a lot of fun as they THREW the cans and plastic bottles when they hit them…the 800fps+ shots just blow through without even moving the can/bottle.

Forgot to Label this Chart…24″ barrel stock valve…

Wholly crap 350 shots 😆

Enjoy, Jim.

Talon/Talon SS

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This is getting better and better,keep it coming, 😀

Hi Ronald mine is shrouded also and it is quiter than the pellet hitting the target board.

I’ll shoot it in the basement and give you an idea of the sound @ different power levels…might be tomorrow or Sunday though. Setting up the garage for the new lathe/mill WOOT!!!

h-m-m-m-m I’ll video all shots and power levels from the same location and you can play them to hear the difference…easy enough project I think…prolly take me an hour or so…look for it prolly Sunday.


How loud was the 24″ barrel compared to the stock suppressed one, or was it supressed also?

I use my pump and when the needle stops moving I write that BAR down then convert it to PSI with a calculator…prolly should have put those numbers are approx but should be really close 😆 I just noticed I have down to the single digit 😯 😆



Jim, how are you getting such accurate tank pressure numbers…? 😯

Just wondering if you have a gauge on the tank or something…

nice strings and breakdowns, I need to Chrony my baby soon too.

Keep at it!


Hey Bod yea stock TalonSS hammer and hammer spring with thin felt hammer slap mod…

Man I’m still drooling over that last shot string at low power….I’m going to have to try that right from a full tank and also with the 1000CC 2,200psi tank I have, that is going to be 100’s of shots prolly within 20-30fps spread!


Standard hammer?

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