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Donnyfl , the biggest mistake that most shooters make wither they are shooting free hand or with some type of
shooting support is #1 breathing control along with proper finger placement on the trigger . You must always
shoot on the exhale . Shooting while holding ones’ breath is a big no-no as well as shooting on the inhale . When
shooting on the inhale your lungs will expand and even though you do not realize it your upper torso will shift and
will make your shot high from your point of aim and also make your shot to go right or left depending if you are
shooting left or right handed . Shooting while holding your breath will also take away from your point of aim because
it will rush your shot because of your need to take a breath of air and be able to breathe . Finger trigger placement
is also a very important process in shooting so that you do not pull the trigger too hard to the left or right which will
also make your point of aim shift . Proper breathing control and proper finger trigger placement will help you to get
that ONE – SHOT – ONE – KILL . :5: